Posts tagged ‘bottled water’

Water Indulgence

I admit it.  I am hooked on bottled water.  Not just plain old bottled water, I can get that out of my faucet.  No… I want the really bad stuff for me.  The water with additives in it.  Flavored water is my friend, whom I need to discard forever.

Not only am a contributing to environmental waste but I am adding crap to my body every time I drink it.  BUT it tastes so good!  I like to tell myself that it’s not as bad as loading up on soda like I used to do.  But in reality I don’t think it’s any better- especially after reading some of the information tonight about a different “diet” I am considering.  Then there’s always the issue of cost involved.  We easily go thru a six pack of flavored bottled water 2-3 times per week around here.  ((I’m hiding right now))   When I add that all up it really seems like a waste.

If I could get water with some juice or something added to it to make it taste the same- I would! I haven’t figured that out though.  How do these manufacturers do it??? 

March 17, 2008 at 10:34 pm 5 comments